Monday, December 6, 2010


So, I didn't realize it has been 4 months since I posted on here. Our family has been super busy....Trip played football and Avery cheered every Saturday until about a month ago..Our Saturdays consisted of, football games, nap, LSU games, bed. Now that football is over, we have enjoyed our camp that we recently leased in Liberty. The kids were in the Central Parade on Saturday..Trip has a reminder now of that parade on his elbow...

Please keep my sister in your prayers, she is battling chemo for small cell ovarian cancer. The last 2 months have been trying and we all love her very much and we know she can fight this...

Monday, August 9, 2010

4th and 2nd graders!!!!!!

2010-11 School Year

Trip going to the 2nd grade. New and exciting for him, is AR and FOOTBALL!!! His games begin on September 11th.

2010-11 School Year

Avery, our first child, will be in the 4th grade this year..New and exciting is the locker and break! We went to Walmart this weekend and got all kind of FUN stuff for the locker!!! Can't wait to see how she decorates it..Might have to sneak in the school and take a pic.....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The girl jumping!

More pics of the Swim Party

Check out Trey and Zacc......

2nd Annual Back to School Swim Party

Another school year approaching, very soon, actually it will be Friday, August 6th...So to get everyone kinda in the "groove of school", we throw a P A R T Y!!! This year was great, we missed some kids and we added new kids. We were super excited that the Kolb's came this year.

Katherine, Amelia, and Avery!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Phoenix on the Bay

What a great vacation.....We had a good time, check out the pics.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baseball Weekend at Cypress Mounds

Trip played in a tournament this weekend..Did very well....Won the 2 games on Saturday, and on Sunday, won the first, lost the second..Went home...

We had a great time, we stayed at the hotel all weekend, enjoyed the city life for a brief moment..Went to the mall Friday, and J Alexander's on Saturday night.....Headed to Carenco this weekend for the State Championship

Avery @ Mall

Avery with her new sunblocking hat!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baseball in Watson this Weekend

Trip will be playing in a tournament this weekend in Watson. Pool play begins Saturday - First game at 12noon on Saturday, then again at 4pm. Actually tournament will begin on Sunday...I will post some pics Monday!! Go Spikes!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Piano Recital

This was Avery's 5th year of piano...She received her first cup for Solo, first cup for Hymn, Performance Award, Outstanding Practice Award, 3rd Superior in Hymn and Solo Festival, 5th Superior in State Hymn Festival

Awards Day

Who says you can't play ball in a bikini??

Crawfish at Laurie's in-laws....Lots of fun.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Money, Money, Money

$1.50 from the tooth fairy...

Tooth Fairy came Saturday. Trip pulled his tooth on Saturday afternoon....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Avery had a great time with her friends and family at the party on Friday night....

Strawberry Patch/Pizza Birthday

We headed out earlier to go to the strawberry patch in Springfield. The strawberries were so good. Trip managed to get juice from his ears down to his shoelaces.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Avery is 9 today!!!!!!

So, this morning we woke up to Gigi calling to wish Avery a Happy Birthday!!!! Here is her present that she is dying to open!!!!

Then finally she gets to open it!!!!!

YAY..An American Girl doll...LANIE!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here is a picture of the 1st graders that are playing ball at CAYL with one of the 1st grade teachers, Mrs. Sandifer. She was Avery's teacher back when she was in first grade.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dad and Grandmother a little bit of Jimmy

90th birthday

The party was great for Grandmother...Lots of pictures....

Aunt B with little Julia...It was good times...We also did lots of yard work...The kids went fishing with Anna K and Mike on Sunday....

Friday, April 9, 2010

April Baby

Julia Cecile was born Saturday afternoon. New member of the family. Busy weekend ahead, Grandmother is going to be 90, so, Mrs. D'ann and her brothers are having a surprise party for her on Saturday. I will post pictures on Monday.

After that yard and pool duties the rest of the weekend. I am sure the kids are going to be so excited about that.

Back to our normal life on Monday, school!!!!! We counted in the car this morning...they have 29 days left of school.